SAP Sales Cloud: CRM for automating sales
Does your customer already know what they want? You’ll know better in future.
We help you to achieve more accurate forecasts, shorter sales cycles and enhanced efficiency in the sales process!

Intelligent sales automation with SAP Sales Cloud

The key to higher and more rapid revenue

Having an in-depth understanding of your leads and customers is essential if you are to offer them outstanding sales experiences. With SAP Sales Cloud – as part of SAP Customer Experience – and in combination with SAP Configure Price Quote, you can streamline and automate key sales processes and give your sales staff better insights and smart sales tools for their customer relationship management (CRM) and customer experience activities.

The advantages for you and your customers

Improving accuracy of forecasting with Sales Cloud

Improved accuracy in forecasting

Predictive real-time forecasting in the CRM system enables you to increase process accuracy and focus on the best leads where you are most likely to win the customer.

Guided selling

Guided selling

Issue clear instructions to guide your sales staff through the sales process one step at a time and show them how to shorten sales cycles and close more deals.

Integrating Sales Cloud into SAP CPQ

An end-to-end process

Integration between S/4HANA, SAP CPQ and more besides can speed up the lead-to-cash process, reduce the number of mistakes during order entry and improve quote validity.

Strengthening collaboration in the company

Strengthening collaboration

The Sales Cloud offers an interactive, transparent platform for context-related communication that promotes collaboration in your company.

The tools and their features in detail – creating incomparable sales experiences for both your team and your customers

Automate recurring tasks and save valuable time as a result. With the right tools, you can keep an eye on all the relevant information about customers and new leads, thereby strengthening digital sales. Please find below an overview of the cloud solutions that help boost your Sales department’s performance to an unprecedented level:

SAP Sales Cloud user interface

SAP Sales Cloud

The Sales Cloud is the tool for digitally transforming your Sales department. Since processes are predefined and you have a holistic view of all your contacts, you can automate many divisions and thereby ease the burden on your employees in their day-to-day work (such as lead management activities).

Then, more time can be invested in central tasks due to sales automation. The simple and intuitive user interface also ensures a high level of user acceptance and guarantees a better overview of all the relevant customer and lead information – and, thanks to SAP mobility, you can have this on all terminal devices, anywhere and at any time.

SAP Configure Price Quote

A better service for a customized product. An important decision-making factor here is flexible quote design by means of rapid product configuration (Configure Price Quote, CPQ). 

With the smart SAP CPQ software, the quotation process for complex products to the customized solution is shifted from the back office to the field service, making it significantly shorter.

User interface of SAP CPQ, the cloud-based CRM solution

The functionalities of the intelligent SAP Sales Cloud at a glance

Smart forecasting and pipeline management

Forecasting and visual pipeline analytics powered by artificial intelligence help you to proactively target leads and estimate revenue for the next few quarters. Smart lead scoring approaches enable you to prioritize leads to make further development more targeted. You also have the opportunity to intelligently model sales territories, quotas and sales plans in real time.

Real-time analytics and rapid revenue

Stay one step ahead at all times with real-time analytics. Submit your quote at the best time, with the ideal product and at the best price. Respond more rapidly to customer requests and contact prospects at the right time in the customer journey. With the Sales Cloud, you can increase your success rate and, consequently, your revenue thanks to detailed customer insights.

SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA integration

Native, seamless integration into the SAP backend ensures that sales staff have direct access to all the relevant data and the complete sales process. For example, they can respond to delays in delivery at an early stage.

Automating sales

Interlinked sales processes enable automated lead and opportunity management. Integration in collaboration tools – such as Microsoft Teams – helps to significantly increase sales productivity. Email integration shortens the response time further and reduces manual maintenance effort.

Precisely fitting Product recommendations for configurable products with SAP Intelligent Product Recommendation (SAP IPR)

The combination of SAP Intelligent Product Recommendation and the Sales Cloud enables sales teams to respond to customer requirements even faster and in a more targeted manner for complex or variant-rich products or configurations.

By using artificial intelligence (AI), IPR offers precise product recommendations that are seamlessly integrated into the Sales Cloud and SAP CPQ sales process. This not only optimizes product selection, but also automates sales processes and reduces errors.

SAP CX Add-On: ORBIS Training & Event Management Software

Our interface to ORBIS TEM for your trainung & event management

A 360-degree customer view also includes information about which of your customers participated in which events. Maybe you want to include this information in your next customer meeting or prepare thoroughly for this customer at the next event? The integration of the ORBIS Training & Event Management solution TEM into the SAP Sales Cloud enables you to do all this.

The low-risk, quick way of getting started in the world of SAP CX

Would you like to get started with your sales project? Our #ExperienceSales starter packages provides you with all the functionalities you need to make your current sales processes even more efficient – at a fixed price.

ORBIS CX starter packages

A smart and holistically implemented sales solution harnesses new potential for your business

In times of digitalization and networking, the silo mindset is detrimental to your business’s success. The Sales Cloud lets you make island landscapes a thing of the past and create ideal interfaces between the individual subdivisions in the company. The advantage of this is that it enables you to leverage synergy effects between your sales and marketing technologies in the cloud and work more efficiently thanks to automation.

ORBIS implements excellent customer experience

Marketing, customer service and sales combined

We aren’t just specialists when it comes to sales topics; instead, we believe we should focus on producing synergy effects in marketing, service and sales activities. We promise to contribute this overarching understanding to make your SAP Customer Experience solution profitable.

eBook: Hybrid selling as an opportunity

Is your sales process adapted to hybrid structures?

Driven by the Covid pandemic, there is an increasing link between analog and digital sales activities. Hybrid sales, which can become a success with the right strategy. An important prerequisite is that the sales process can be mapped across all communication channels and involved systems without loss of information or duplicate maintenance effort. We show you how!

eBook Hybrid selling as opportunity
ORBIS Checklist: Your roadmap to SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2

SAP Sales & Service Cloud V2 marks the beginning of an era in sales and service. Do you want to be part of it and are wondering how to make the switch successfully?

Our practical guide provides you with a comprehensive insight into the transition journey and our tried-and-tested conversion service. Get to know the unique ORBIS project solution and the most important SAP tools.

Checklist for switching to SAP Sales Cloud V2 or SAP Service Cloud V2

Every company is its own unique enterprise – here are a few examples of our success

Success really can be that simple. With our expertise, we make it easier for you to implement and maintain your SAP Customer Experience solutions. Would you like to know what success looks like?

Customer success stories with ORBIS
Here are a few success stories
SAP Sales Cloud at BOMAG GmbH
Logo Stabilus S.A.
Customer-Experience-Project: Stabilus creates global sales visibility with SAP Sales Cloud
Logo Guetermann GmbH
Introduction of SAP Sales Cloud at A&E Gütermann
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